• Report
  • 1 April 2021

Supporting longer term development in crises at the nexus: Lessons from Bangladesh: Appendix 2


appendix 2
ADB Asian Development Bank
CCNF Cox’s Bazar CSO−NGO Forum
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund (UN)
CRS Creditor Reporting System (OECD DAC)
CSO Civil society organisation
DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD)
DDGP District Development and Growth Plan
DEVCO Department for International Cooperation and Development (EU)
DRR Disaster risk reduction
ECHO Department of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (EC)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FTS Financial Tracking Service (UN OCHA)
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
HCTT Humanitarian Coordination Task Team
HDP Humanitarian, development and peace
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee
IATI International Aid Transparency Initiative
IDA International Development Association
IMF International Monetary Fund
IOM International Organization for Migration
ISCG Inter Sector Coordination Group
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
JRP Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis
LCG Local Consultative Group
LCG-DER Local Consultative Group on Disaster Emergency Response
MDB Multilateral development bank
NAHAB National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors Bangladesh
NTF National Task Force
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
ODA Official development assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
RRRC Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner
RSW Regional Sub-Window for Refugees and Host Communities
SAFE Plus Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Plus Livelihoods
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SEG Strategic Executive Group
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNRCO UN Resident Coordinator’s Office
USAID US Agency for International Development
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization (UN)
WHR Window for Host Communities and Refugees